Aldermarsh is participating in GiveBIG 2024. Please visit our GiveBIG website!
“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.”
How your donations will support Aldermarsh!
Operations Cost - Aldermarsh is a thriving residential retreat facility that books out 12 to 18 months in advance. Our facility is small, which enables the strong sense of containment and intimacy that supports the incredible work that occurs here. However, our small size also means we have limited lodging capacity and a limited income stream from residential retreats. Our income stream from residential retreats only covers approximately 70% of our operations cost. Donations are essential to closing this gap and enabling us to keep our doors open for many years to come.
Community - Your donations will help us maintain low rates, and allow us to continue hosting retreats at an affordable cost for our community and other nonprofits that we host. Donations will also allow us to host open house community days where those seeking respite mid-week can walk the grounds, break away from the hustle and bustle and reconnect with source.
Special Projects - Every year we tackle a list of special projects that include property maintenance items such as roof replacements or projects which support an enhanced experience for the retreat groups we host each year. Due to COVID related impacts we have had to put a number of special projects on hold as a result of the significant loss of income during 2020 and 2021. Two key projects on our list include replacing the path lighting throughout the property and expanding lodging to accommodate 28 people. Your donations will help us realize these projects to completion!
Land Stewardship - Our property is approximately 5 acres and requires extensive maintenance on a daily basis. Your donations will help us steward and protect this magical and unique place, where the natural world flourishes.
Consider becoming a monthly donor, which is a significant way to support Aldermarsh by providing a reliable income stream to offset operations costs.
If you want your donation to be focused for one of these specific purposes, just let us know at the time of the donation.